The Marshall Lab at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health is seeking to hire a postdoctoral scholar to work on an exciting project to quantify mosquito movement patterns, life history and population size based on kinship data. The position is initially for two years, with the possibility of extension. Start date is flexible. Salary is commensurate with experience, and full benefits are included.
The position is funded by an NIH grant to develop close-kin mark-recapture (CKMR) methods to estimate movement and demographic parameters of Aedes aegypti, a major vector of dengue, Zika and chikungunya viruses throughout much of the world. Alongside this, we are exploring the suitability of CKMR methods for Anopheles malaria vectors in sub-Saharan Africa. To learn more about the project, please see our pre-print here.
A strong background in applied mathematics, statistics and/or computer science
Experience with population genetics, genomics or ecological/epidemiological modeling
An interest in mosquitoes and/or mosquito-borne diseases
An interest in mentoring students and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in research
If you are interested in the position, please send: i) your CV, including a list of publications, ii) PDFs of your two most significant publications/manuscripts to date, iii) the names and email addresses of three potential referees, and iv) a cover letter describing your research interests and motivations for joining our lab to John Marshall at [email protected]. Inquiries are also welcome. Additional information about the research in our lab can be found at The position will remain open until filled.